
ჟურნალი/წიგნი (ტომი, ნომერი, გვ.)
ვეფხვაძე, ნ., ჯორბენაძე, რ.
პრევენციული მედიცინა
სახელმძღვანელო, თსსუ გამომცემლობა. 214 გვ.
Kirtava Z, Gegenava T, Gegenava M, Simonia G, Andronikashvili I.
e-Health/m-Health Applications for Cardiac Patients Telemonitoring
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Kirtava Z., Gegenava T., Gegenava M.
m-Health for Cardiac Patients Telemonitoring and Integrated Care
IEEE Serviice Science for eHealth (SSH2013) workshop / IEEE HealthCom2013 Conference, Oct. 9-12, 2013, Lisbon (Portugal) : 21-25.
ვასაძე ო.
შესავალი ჯანდაცვის ადმინისტრირებაში
სახელმძღვანელო (275 გვ.)
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Dolidze N, Enquobahrie D, Gelaye B. et al.
Association of Nitric Oxide with Components of Metabolic Syndrome among Outpatient Cardiovascular Patients in Georgia
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Etsadashvili K, Berger T, Stühlinger M. et al.
Impact of high- versus normal-impedance ventricular leads on pacemaker generator longevity (abstr.)
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Chapidze G., Kapanadze S., Dolidze N., Bakhutashvili Z., Shengelia E.
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Williams MA, Enquobahrie DA, Dolidze N, et al.
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Chapidze G, Dolidze N., et al.
Endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary atherosclerosis
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Проблема хронической рефрактерной стенокардии
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ჩაფიძე გ., ლაცაბიძე ნ., კაპანაძე ს., დოლიძე ნ., შენგელია ე., შარაძე ე..
გულის კორონარული დაავადების არატრადიციული რისკ-ფაქტორები
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Чапидзе Г., Капанадзе С., Долидзе Н. и др.
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Chapidze G, Dolidze N, Williams MA et al.
Peculiarities of lipid profile parameters in cardiac patients with hypo- and hyperthyroidism.
Georgian Medical News; №4: 44-46.
Kapanadze S., Dolidze N., Bakhutashvili Z., Shengelia E., Chapidze L.
Pleiotropic effects of cardilopin (Secondary Coronary Prevention)
Georgian Medical News, # 2(119); pp.46-48
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Chumburidze V, Akhobadze T, Kikalishvili T, Baramidze M.
Repolarization Abnormalities in essential Hypertension
Georgian Medical News N1(94) :46-49.
Chumburidze V, Sulashvili T.
Use of 6-minute walk test for the observation of the patients with heart failure
Georgian Medical New N12 (105):15-17
Chapidze G., Dolidze N., Kapanadze S., Shengelia E., Samadashvili D.
Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in patients following myocardial revascularization
Georgian Medical News, #12 (105); pp.22-25
Chapidze G., Kapanadze S., Dolidze N., Shengelia E..
The short-term results of the simgal (simvastatin) use in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease
Georgian Medical News, #5 (98); pp.47-50