| დასახელება
| ჟურნალი/წიგნი (ტომი, ნომერი, გვ.)
| წელი
ვეფხვაძე, ნ., ჯორბენაძე, რ.
| პრევენციული მედიცინა
| სახელმძღვანელო, თსსუ გამომცემლობა. 214 გვ.
| 2014
Kirtava Z, Gegenava T, Gegenava M, Simonia G, Andronikashvili I.
| e-Health/m-Health Applications for Cardiac Patients Telemonitoring
| VI Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering - CLAIB 2014. Parana (Argentina), 29-31 Oct 2014 :1321-1324.
| 2014 |
Kirtava Z., Gegenava T., Gegenava M.
| m-Health for Cardiac Patients Telemonitoring and Integrated Care
| IEEE Serviice Science for eHealth (SSH2013) workshop / IEEE HealthCom2013 Conference, Oct. 9-12, 2013, Lisbon (Portugal) : 21-25.
| 2013
ვასაძე ო.
| შესავალი ჯანდაცვის ადმინისტრირებაში
| სახელმძღვანელო (275 გვ.)
| 2012 |
Etsadashvili K, Rashid H.M, Jalabadze Kh, Melia A.
| Bochdalek hernia as a cause of intermittent AV block
| Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal; 11(5):153-155
| 2011 |
Rantner LJ, Stühlinger MC, Nowak CN, Spuller K, Etsadashvili K et al.
| Localizing the Accessory Pathway in Ventricular Preexcitation Patients Using a Score Based Algorithm
| Methods Int Med. 51(1):3-12.
| 2011 |
Stuehlinger M, Etsadashvili K, Stuehlinger X., et al.
| Duration of the A(H)A(Md) interval predicts occurrence of conduction block during radiofrequency ablation of the slow pathway
| J Interv Card Electrophysiol; 31(3):207-15.
| 2011 |
Rashid H. M., Etsadashvilli K., Melia A., Jalabedze K., and Avaliani I.
| QT interval prolongation after premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).
| Electronic Physician Journal; 2: 104-108
| 2010 |
Etsadashvili K, Hintringer F, Stuehlinger X. et al.
| Prospective analysis of the A(H)-A(Md) interval as a predictor of AV-block during radiofrequency ablation of the slow pathway.
| Europace Journal; 11(Supplement 2), Abstract 367.
| 2009 |
Etsadashvili K, Hintringer F, Stuehlinger M., et al.
| Long-term results of high vs. normal impedance ventricular leads on actual (Real-Life) pacemaker generator longevity.
| Europace; 11: 200-205
| 2009 |
Chapidze G, Kapanadze S, Dolidze N et al.
| Diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance among coronary heart disease patients
| Critical Care & Catastrophe Medicine. 2009; №5:25-32.
| 2009
Dolidze N, Kapanadze S, Latsabidze N, Williams M.
| The relationship between non-traditional risk factors for сoronary atherosclerosis and Chlamydia pneumonia infection.
| Gerontology and Geriatrics 2009; №1:19-21.
| 2009
Etsadashvili K, Rantner L, Stühlinger M, Stühlinger X. et al.
| The new electronic algorithm for localisation of the accessory pathways using the 12-lead ECG during WPW Syndrome.
| Journal für Kardiologie; 15 (5-6), 139-187
| 2008
Dichtl W, Alber HF, Feuchtner GM, Etsadashvili K., et al.
| Valvular calcification in asymptomatic aortic stenosis: progression of this strong and independent risk factor is not delayed by atorvastatin therapy.
| European Heart Journal; 29:532.
| 2008
Gelaye B, Dolidze N, Enquobahrie DA, Williams MA, et al.
| Measures of adiposity, plasma lipids and biomarkers among hypertensives in Georgia.
| Journal of Clinical Lipidology. Vol.2; №5(S):S141-142.
| 2008
Dolidze N, Gelaye B, Enquobahrie D. et al.
| Thyroid stimulating hormone and components of metabolic syndrome among cardiovascular outpatients in Georgia
| Journal of Clinical Lipidology. Vol.2; №5(S):S105. | 2008
Gelaye B, Dolidze N, Enquobahrie D. et al.
| Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Cardiology Patients in Batumi, Georgia.
| Journal of Clinical Lipidology. Vol.2; №5(S):S99.
| 2008
Dolidze N, Enquobahrie D, Gelaye B. et al.
| Association of Nitric Oxide with Components of Metabolic Syndrome among Outpatient Cardiovascular Patients in Georgia
| Journal of Clinical Lipidology. Vol. 2; №5(S):S11-S12.
| 2008
Etsadashvili K, Berger T, Stühlinger M. et al.
| Impact of high- versus normal-impedance ventricular leads on pacemaker generator longevity (abstr.)
| Journal für Kardiologie; 15 (5-6), 149
| 2008
Etsadashvili K, Berger T, Stühlinger M., et al.
| Impact of Cryoablation versus Radiofrequency ablation on bidirectional conduction block in isthmus dependent Atrial Flutter. (abstr.)
| Journal für Kardiologie; 15 (5-6), 149
| 2008
Tsuchya H, Nakazato Y, Etsadashvili K, Sekita G., et al.
| Cilostazol and the possibility to prolong the time before the permanent pacemaker implantation?
| Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 18.
| 2007
Chapidze G., Kapanadze S., Dolidze N., Bakhutashvili Z., Shengelia E.
| The mid-term results of isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft operation
| Critical Care and Catastrophe Medicine, #3 :7-16
| 2007
Williams MA, Enquobahrie DA, Dolidze N, et al.
| Thyroid function status and plasma lipids among cardiology patients in Georgia
| Georgian Medical News; № 7-8:20-25.
| 2007
Chapidze G, Dolidze N., et al.
| Endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary atherosclerosis
| Georgian Medical News. #1.
| 2007
Enquobahrie DA, Williams MA, Dolidze N et al.
| Metabolic Syndrome and C-reactive Protein among cardiology patients
| Archives of Medical Research. 2007; №38:783-788. | 2007
Чумбуридзе В., Харчилава Н. , Аладашвили А.
| Проблема хронической рефрактерной стенокардии
| Georgian Medical News, N1,(118): 26-28
| 2006
ჩაფიძე გ., ლაცაბიძე ნ., კაპანაძე ს., დოლიძე ნ., შენგელია ე., შარაძე ე..
| გულის კორონარული დაავადების არატრადიციული რისკ-ფაქტორები
| “კარდიოლოგია და შინაგანი მედიცინა”; #3(15); გვ.43-45.
| 2006
Soh J, Enquobahrie D, Dolidze N. et al.
| Risk factors and severity of coronary arterial disease among emergency cardiology patients.
| American Journal of Epidemiology. Vol.163; №11:19S.
| 2006
Чапидзе Г., Капанадзе С., Долидзе Н. и др.
| Комбинированная терапия коензимом Q10 и симвастатином больных коронарным атеросклерозом.
| Кардиология. №8:11-13.
| 2006
Chapidze G, Dolidze N, Williams MA et al.
| Peculiarities of lipid profile parameters in cardiac patients with hypo- and hyperthyroidism.
| Georgian Medical News; №4: 44-46.
| 2006
Kapanadze S., Dolidze N., Bakhutashvili Z., Shengelia E., Chapidze L.
| Pleiotropic effects of cardilopin (Secondary Coronary Prevention)
| Georgian Medical News, # 2(119); pp.46-48
| 2005
ჩაფიძე გ., კაპანაძე ს., დოლიძე ნ., შენგელია ე.
| კორონარული პრევენციის შედეგები პაციენტებში მიოკარდიუმის ენდოვასკულარული და ქირურგიული რევასკულარიზაციის შემდეგ.
| “კარდიოლოგია და შინაგანი მედიცინა”; #1 (V); გვ.65-70;
| 2004
Chumburidze V, Akhobadze T, Kikalishvili T, Baramidze M.
| Repolarization Abnormalities in essential Hypertension
| Georgian Medical News N1(94) :46-49.
| 2003
Chumburidze V, Sulashvili T.
| Use of 6-minute walk test for the observation of the patients with heart failure
| Georgian Medical New N12 (105):15-17
| 2003
Chapidze G., Dolidze N., Kapanadze S., Shengelia E., Samadashvili D.
| Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in patients following myocardial revascularization
| Georgian Medical News, #12 (105); pp.22-25
| 2003
Chapidze G., Kapanadze S., Dolidze N., Shengelia E..
| The short-term results of the simgal (simvastatin) use in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease
| Georgian Medical News, #5 (98); pp.47-50
| 2003